All under one roof - LEED Platinum, Green Building, Building Biology (Bau Biology)

Vedic and Sustainable

A sustainable city should be a city where everyone is happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. Only a city that is free from pollution, noise and stress and which is designed as a holistic structure in harmony with natural law, where individual life is flowing with the evolutionary stream of energy and intelligence is really sustainable. Sustainable both for the environment, and also with reference to individual life. This means such a city is essentially free from problems, crime, and suffering.

The Institute of Vedic City Planning’s unique specialty is the foundation of sustainability – planning and building in harmony with natural law. The very noticeable beneficial results of this approach have been experienced by many people on all continents. The Institute’s advisory board is also a great resource in experienced professionals who have implemented Maharishi Vedic architectural and planning principles together with various degrees of sustainable technologies, creating green, “Fortune-Creating” homes and offices, beautiful, sustainable developments, and Garden Cities.

Vision of a Maharishi Vedic Garden City – Organic, Self-Sufficient, and Sustainable

Current technology allows various degrees of self-sufficient buildings op to being ‘zero bill’, i.e. self sufficient for all utilities with zero utility bills after construction, as well as precise implementation of all principles of Maharishi Vedic architecture. Such buildings are the units of a truly sustainable city.

Sustainable cities, composed of buildings designed from the ground up to be completely self-sufficient and in harmony with natural law, are sustainable in terms of their basic requirements—water, energy, food, and waste treatment—and also contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents.

Maharishi Vedic CIty Planning and Sustainable Technologies

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